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Raising up Hero’s who don’t seek to be the hero but make Hero’s 

We are working hard behind the scenes to launch this school for laid down lovers  who are madly in love with Jesus or should we say “The Burning Ones.” Our heart and goal is for you to experience a genuine transformation, encounter truth for yourself, dive into moments in His presence together and simply release the genuine love we’ve received to the world around us. We owe the world an encounter with Jesus.

Here’s what you’ll be activated in…

  • Experiencing and displaying the power of God 

  • How to tap into the power of communication 

  • Worshiping the Lord and the Layers of going deeper 

  • How to walk in bold faith, breaking off the fear of man and seeing the anointing break the yoke. 

  • Being transformed in your identity as a son and daughter of the king 

  • Understanding what it means to live missional 

  • Find who God has called you to be and strengthens your gifts 

  • What it looks like to bring the kingdom into business 

  • Paying attention to your spirit, soul and body. 

  • Taking your own teams to the nations

  • God is Good 

  • The Father, son and Holy Spirit 

  • Spiritual Slavery to Spiritual Sonship/ Daughter-ship 

  • Spiritual Warfare

  • What is Evangelism? Aka The Gospel 

  • The important of worship

  • Missionary dynamics with families

  • A Go anointing   

Lifestyle Christianity TraininG
We will meet weekly and dive into the word of God where you will be taught on theological subjects which will include but not be limited to…

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