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 Miki and Jesse Fagan 

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Miki and Jesse Fagan

Tokyo, Japan - Awakening Tokyo




We are so excited to be locking arms with Miki and Jesse Fagan as we have partnered in sending them to Japan as their sending organization. Miki has been praying for Japan since she was a kid and she and her husband, Jesse are now being sent by the Lord as full-time missionaries. They will be partnering with @awakeningaisa during their time there.


“I’ve prayed for Japan & my family there since I was a kid but never thought I would move there. This place is extra special and personal to me. when I talk to someone there, I envision talking to my sweet grandparents, aunts, and cousins. I believe with all of me that there’s so much hope for this nation.”

- Miki Fagan


Why Japan?


Japan is one of the most unreached nations in the world, only 1% of the population is Christian. There are roughly 56,000 Japanese for each missionary in Japan. One of the highest suicide rates in the world often stems from pressure in high school, university, family & work. Japan needs more places where people can encounter His presence & a loving healthy community.

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